Debit card usage Makes advantage Checking Work. receive credits for each signature based transaction towards your monthly fee, and keep the extra for yourself.
Features/ Benefits
-10¢ credit per signature-based POS transaction (once qualifiers are met)
-Debit/ ATM card: 4 free foreign transactions per month, then $1.50 each additional*
-Internet banking
-Bill pay
-No more paper documents to file or shred
-Keep account information secure and out of your mailbox
-Free coin counting
Service Fee
$0 if waivers of account charge are met. ** $6 service fee if waivers of account charge are not met.
Sign Up For An Advantage Account
*When you use an ATM not owned by us, you may be charged a fee by the ATM operator or any network used. Potential consumer loan rate reduction with automatic payments from a Dart Bank checking or savings account.
**Minimum Balance of $2500 or $2.00 fee credit for each:
-eStatement enrollment
-20+ signature based debit card transactions
-Direct deposit credit in any amount